Welcome to A (Road) Runner's Perspective.
We are three small town girls who decided in the dead of winter that it might be a good idea to strap on some old tennis shoes and begin what would become our journey to running our first marathon. We are Abbie,Courtney and Missy (that's alphabetical and ascending age order as it so happens) and we will all be writing here telling of our experiences along the way.
When we began running we did just that. We went to a park and ran. We very quickly began googling strategies and reading about tips and tricks on the Internet. We wanted to know everything from the correct way to breath,stretch and get faster to where and how to buy the right shoes. We may have giggled over some of the terminology but we at least tried each of the new things we learned about.
When we run we talk. A lot. Saving our best stories for the run to help pass the miles. Sometimes we have ideas while we talk and this blog was one of them. I can still easily recall that it a record setting run (for us) distance wise. Running around the down town streets of our small town we wanted to look cute and coordinated for our next race (we are such girls) and for that we wanted to have t-shirts made and for that our trio needed a name. We tossed about names and since I thought it might be fun to run all the roads of our small town,Roadrunners(Abbie's idea) sounded good to us. The idea of creating a blog came up and of course that needed a name as well. Since we would all be writing it would have three unique perspectives. Missy fell in love with that word. So we combined Abbie's name with Missy's word *smile* and walla! Putting the road in parentheses was a must. We wouldn't want anyone thinking we were just a very smart bird blogging away in it's nest:
Today a very fast car honked at me.
No, that would never work. Of course the title might still be a tad confusing but now that we have officially informally met I think you get it.
You can e-mail us with questions or for any old reason at aroadrunnersperspective@yahoo.com. You can find us on facebook here. Or just like us at the bottom of this post. Comments are welcomed and encouraged. It (will be) very nice to meet you!
Now I've got to run. *joke* and I promise I don't usually use that many italics and parenthesis.
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