Tuesday, January 31, 2012

One Year And One Day

I planned ahead. I schemed. I was ready for our anniversary.  I found out some hard news about a friend and I got distracted. But today I remembered and today I would like to recognize the three of us for making it to our one year mark by remembering some more.

Remember the time we ran in a downpour?

Remember when Missy used to run in trail shoes?

Remember when we ran in COTTON socks?!?

Remember that we still do?

Remember when I fell and broke a nail?

Remember when our water was stolen?

Remember the 5k that was uphill both ways...barefoot in the snow?

Remember our passion for picnics and early morning smoothies?

Remember when we thought we won in our age bracket?

Remember our photo shoot that produced such embarrassing photos Abbie never even showed us?

Remember that man and the calves pushing the stroller?

Remember the lady who could walk half the time and still beat us?

Remember the chalk art that was most likely just for us?

Remember the Alamo?

I just wanted to see if you were paying attention.

Remember the ice?

Remember quad-C's?

Please add you "Rememberies" if you would like. :)

Happy Anniversary and A Day!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Has it been a whole year already?!

Today marks one year since Courtney and I began running...who would have thought that we would still be consistently running a whole year later?! We now run 3 days a week plus have a day of strength (on our new training schedule) and have honestly only missed maybe 4 or 5 weeks the whole year (due to weather, holidays, sickness, etc..) even when Courtney was injured she would still walk while we ran until she recovered! Plus, especially at first, we were running more like 5 or 6 days a week (crazy, we know ;)). I am proud of what we have accomplished and look forward to reaching new goals and growing even closer in our friendships this next year! :) Happy 1 Year Running Anniversary!

-Abbie :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Our Friend Rocky

We have started training for our first half marathon- we are about 2 weeks into the new schedule and we plan to run it in May. We are following a training plan and for Sunday it had a 4 mile run so we set out on one of our old familiar roads that Courtney had found for us last summer- it's 4 miles exactly and we know it well. It's a nice run with only one big hill right around 1.50 into it. On our run Sunday we made a new friend- "Rocky Road" is her name...Rocky for short- she ran almost the entire 4 miles with us and hung out with us until we left. :)
We will try to blog again soon with more details about our new training schedule and our list of up-coming runs!

-Abbie :)